hasmukh amathalal - Death

PoemHunter.com 2014-11-10

Views 5

Death is reality if not caused
Life is gone and paused
Heart is in grief and gripped with fear
Loose interest in life and pain you bear

Death is God’s creation
Must Gob back to Him after cremation?
No one must try to deprive a person
Of his life even if has a reason

Death is punishable crime with penalty
It is very rude form of cruelty
We are not here to take away life
It may be curse to somebody’s mother or wife

Gangster’s may consider and take it as game
They may murder it for getting cheap fame
Murderers may try to have their way
Simple hegemony to rule and have sway

Illiteracy and ignorance may create the scene
Poor and helpless may indulge and mostly seen
For paltry sum somebody may loose the soul
Temptation for money…………………..

Death should not be rewarded with death
Person should be condemned and invite wrath
Slain man should be offered respectful wreath
Convict should be given enough chance to live with

“Rarest of rare” is the term for punishment
Exemplary punishment is the answer to comment
“Live and let others live” should only be the slogan
No problem can be solved at the point of gun

Let death remain at the discretion of Lord
We have to just obey and follow his word
He may shorten the life or bless it with shower
We respect the dead with honour and flower

Life is to live full and not depart
It has to be utilized and not divided in part
Must be honoured and praised as best opportunity
Let us pray together with one voice as unity

hasmukh amathalal


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