Time is best medicine
It may heal and make you feel fine
It can take you to same level
Time may not wait for anything to tell
Death in family grips all
It adds grim situation and invites sad call
Whole of the family members cry
All other relatives make you calm and try
The situation can not continue for long time
All have to forget it in times to come
Time is such kind of healing factor
Rich feels same way as poor
Everybody feels helpless
Even though fact is known on face
Death can take on anybody
Whoever has taken birth has to face decay
Time can make you forget any tragedy
It is timely gift from almighty
If that was not the case so
Many people might have gone insane
Time brings situation under control
It has its own timer to respond call
Birth of new member may bring in happiness
Time may restrict you from mad chase
You are back again in scene
The grief has been forgotten
Time occasionally reminds of past
The happiness and sadness always last
hasmukh amathalal