Try and UnDeRStANd mE ....i promise im normal - Result of your mistake 2014-11-08

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Everyone has seen her, her attractive features catch your eye
A beautiful girl who’s slowly dieing inside
Past never perfect, been hurt by a lot
Molested, abandoned, every night the devil she fought
Seeing all the memories and hearing the voices that she thought would stay
Woke up, looked around, finding they had all gone away
Never liked all the attention
She’d rather be put to the side
For that’s how she had felt, most of her life
But one day a handsome guy sweeps her off her feet
Her lover, so she thought, marriage she would dream
Behind parents eyes kisses she’d pass around
Thinking that maybe this is what her life was supposed to be about
But one day things had gone farther then she ever thought
Caught lying in her bed having sex with that so called bru
Grandma cried in anguish, hearts stoped for some time
A family so close together, reputation pure and kind
But because you did what your flesh wanted
Kiss us goodbye
After what you did, and after everything you said
I ask you to change.. put this side of you to an end
Im willing to forgive you
Im willing to forget
Im willing to talk to you
YOur plate on the table ill personely set
But please dont make that mistake again
Please think before you act
For i wont be there beside the hospital bed
When at 16 you cuntract

Family members aren't always who you think they are! !

Try and UnDeRStANd mE ....i promise im normal

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