ANDREW BLAKEMORE - Shannon's Mill 2014-11-07

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Twas on that solemn August eve
When skies did glow like setting sun
A time that no one shall forget
That tore the town apart,
The ruins smoldered through the morn
And smoke engulfed the locals who
Surveyed the scene with disbelief
And sadness filled each heart.
The soul had gone
The spirit lost
We all had paid a dreadful cost.

The building stood yet but a shell
The landscape now forever changed
Where once a proud reminder of
Those days so long ago,
The workers who had stiched the seam
And cut the cloth for many years
Could not believe it all was gone
So many tears did flow.
They looked towards the smoky sky
And there they stood all asking why?

The site now cleared there's nothing left
An empty void that can't be filled
Another jewel been taken by
That undeserving hand,
For all those lives it helped to forge
Their memories now but ash and dust
And blown upon the weeping wind
Across the barren land,
The stars did shine
The night was still
When flames engulfed old Shannon's Mill.


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