What if I couldn’t see?
I wouldn’t know how to be.
What if I couldn’t walk?
I wouldn’t be able to go to the park.
What if I couldn’t smell?
I wouldn’t know early monsoon shower smell.
What if I couldn’t feel?
I wouldn’t even know how to heal.
What if I couldn’t taste?
All the gourmet food would go to waste.
What if I couldn’t touch?
I wouldn’t know love as such.
What if I couldn’t cry?
I wouldn’t be able to let go of grief even if I try.
What if I couldn’t smile?
I wouldn’t be able to feel light even for a while.
I can do all of these things
Lord, it’s a blessing.
, These are the gifts
We realize when we are unfit.
I have really no clue
How the less privileged do.
I guess with courage and acceptance
They go on with grace.
Mamta Agarwal