Your cold stare
Is my heart's bait
it's the kiss of death
it's the whisper of hate
It's so appealing
It lures in my heart
Even though I know
It'll tear it apart
I know it's no good
For me or my love life
But I want you to want me
Until your heart is mine
I want what you have
And I plan to succeed
In making your cold heart
Break just for me
I want your black heart bleeding
And breaking for my own
And when you are not with me
I want you to feel alone
I want you to scream my name
In your sleep and in the dark
I want you to only lust
After the love from MY heart
I want you black heart to break
When you see me walk away
I need you to be consumed with desire
And NEED me to stay
I want you desire for me
To break your cold, hard shell
And when my black heart starts to break
I want yours to break as well
Gabriella Franco