Kristin Nicole RothDavis - ! @! @! @~~US~~@! @! @! 2014-11-07

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I'm a' frettin' on what's goin' on
Mad as hell at the whole world,
Seems like every thing's goin' all wrong,
He walks in the door, takes one glance
'Let me hold you, baby' ~~He says.
Instantly I'm in a pleasant trance.

Embraced in his loving arms
Miles away from any harm,
No more thoughts of white jackets and funny farms.

A single tear escapes, trickles down my face,
He kisses my forehead, taps the tip of my nose,
Exhale! I'm in the right place,
Portrait pose~~two souls in love!

We both take a minute to silently
Thank the One above,
Everyone says we're made for one another,
The day we met, an hour later he
Took me to meet his sweet mother!

The peaceful quiet he brings to me
Keeps my youthful heart free,
The easy silence he makes for me
Keeps my wondrous mind a' glee!

I wana stay this way forever,
Captivating these feelings and emotions
Bottle them up, inser a strand of lace
Tie it around my neck,
Near my heart~~sounds like the perfect place!

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

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