‘Like-it-is-fate' like thought
Poet. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker.26.6.2914
When the journey is up past halfway
Falls in place the thought for us all
That the half has had much greater
Things than what is up there in store.
It is panic, it is footloose and it is loss;
It's done, and pure waste of exercise.
It is rush and frantic fight to reach:
feel-like devouring the cup itself,
or go off the hooks of gods' even,
well, it is in the make of us all,
some think, a way back again, ‘no'
then why this panic, fret and rush!
No, it is much deep in the hearts
Where all acts have had right codes
Still it is far beyond our reach, alas!
Halfway isn't able to make us know
there is nothing called another half.
Take away foods and break away kids
‘Use and throw' and ‘pay and use'
‘what's there for me? ' and ‘you go to hell'
‘Sure, let me see' and ‘ what the hell'
‘The rest is for my eyes and senses'
‘I am not for anyone, but for me alone'.
It goes on, till the journey is almost up
What's left is what fate holds, they say,
No way we ever believe it, for,
Fate is a poor thought, just, I repeat,
‘Like-it-is-fate like thought'.
Even ‘the just cried' genus is not vary
Of the journey up. It takes halfway
To just think and to be simply kind
And see life as a beautiful thought.
Not ‘Like-it-is-fate' like thought.
Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker.26.6.2914
A. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker