The dogging insensitivity
Vaatupura A Jayaprakash
Night does not fall on us these days,
We fall prey to night.
So are our thoughts,
that they do not come of us
We simply are of them.
Rain and wind and sun and moon and mist
And whatever rest we have for free
Have been here for millennia
So are they going to be.
The change is in us,
that we do not want them to be.
A way to virtue now looks vile
All good ways are but for a while.
Once they are seen and understood
We know how and when
to hoodwink the ones who come to find,
the same thing we all had once come for.
It is our religion, and our psychology
That we should venture not into sense.
It is insensitivity that we all being fed
Not to be dogged down by the opposite.
We are well off when we are cruel.
Sorry to say, not the other way round.
A. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker