In the World are Millions if not billions of Judgemental people judgemental people never have been rare
Of judge not and thou shalt not be judged it does seem their type of people never are aware
They even pass judgement on total strangers so arrogant to them ignorance is bliss
Live and let live to them does not hold meaning the point in the fair go they do seem to miss
You will find them in every town and city, in rural village and in countryside
It does seem that from the judgements of the judgemental that the non judgemental do not have a place to hide
They are so small so very small in their ways suppose they cannot help the way they are
They judge you favourably if they see you as successful by the job you work in or the size of your house and car
Of judgemental people there are far too many though they would never see it in that way
So arrogant they do not have compassion on others they do like to have their say
The Human World would be better off without them they do not do much for Humanity
The less who know of you the less to judge you that's how it seems to cynical old me
They live in every town and every city in every village and in every countryside
It does seem that from the judgements of the judgemental for the non judgemental there is no place to hide.
Francis Duggan