teenage years are tough
too many conflicting emotions
too many conflicting expectations
bodily initiated transitions
child morphs cycles teenage adult
powers physical mental cognitive abilities
estrogen testosterone enter play field
bat reason rationality straight out for a six
mother nature whips hormones through a mix
estrogens primary female sex hormones
initiates hard wires female passions desires
testosterone jump starts male reproductive tissues
promotes secondary sexual characteristics
increased bone mass muscle growth of body hair
estrogens testosterone essential for health well-being
contradictions in behavourial requirements
grow up act your age your not a child now
no you can't do that go there your not a child
mixed messages merge with hormone havoc
increased study pressures examination stress
peer pressures required look expectations stress?
Would you mind adulthood more than transitional phases?
At this point in life where you're not really a grown up?
Neither are you a child exempt from adult responsibilities?
not experienced enough to work
not experienced enough to be your own self
but too old to depend on sheltering others?
Where do you go from here?
Careful young soul at threshold of adulthood?
Walk through that door into kaleidoscopic possibilities?
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)