I worship God in my own way.
I need no aid from shaven priest
to tell me how and when to pray.
They do not matter in the least.
I hear the skylark’s morning hymn
as he sings praises to his lord.
I gladly sing along with him.
Assured that God hears every word.
I see no need for cathedrals
and churches built of cold dead stone.
When I can pray by waterfalls
or forest glades where I‘m alone.
My God demands no tithes from me.
What need has he of worldly wealth.
I praise the God who set me free
and thank him for my strength and health.
I have free will that I may choose
the kind of man I want to be.
I realise there’s other views
which have equal validity.
I worship God in my own way
I need no priest to mediate.
I am aware of God each day.
I know I do not speculate.
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