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Celebrating Meelaad-un-Nabee,
Celebrating Meelaad-un-Nabee,
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] [birthday of the Prophet] is like the Hindus celebrate the birthday of their Kanaihya. [Fataawa Meelaad Shareef, pg 8 and Baraaheen-e-Qaati’ah, pg 148].
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:
We have seen Baraaheen-e-Qaati’ah before, see it again. Which page?
Maulana Qari Muhammad Jahangir Naqshbandi:
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:
Page 148 is here, he writes clearly:
The Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], is not born every day then why is this birthday celebration? It is just like the birthday celebrations of Kanaihya..
They are simply saying that to celebrate Meelad Shareef by the Muslims is just like the Hindus observe the Birth day of their Kanaihya. Someone should ask them if they don’t want to celebrate the Meelaad why did they use such words and why compare it with the Hindu’s? They should not celebrate Meelaad, if they do not want to they are not bound or force to celebrate. But if someone wants to celebrate Meelaad with love then why are you stopping them from observing. Celebrating Meelaad Shareef is the Sunnah of Allaah Ta'alaa and I have written a Risaalaa “Islaam Ki Pehli Eid” to prove the reason for celebrating Meelaad with references from the scholars of Deoband. Whether it is permissible to celebrate Meelaad ? What would they get who celebrate Meelaad? This book has proofs and references from the books of Deobandi Scholars. We can’t force one to celebrate Meelaad who does not celebrate it but it is not permissible to say like this? Is it not disrespect and insult to say that celebrating Meelaad every day is like celebrating the birthday of Kanaihya … I want to reply them and Question them do they not celebrate Shab e Baraa’at? In the last ten days of the month of Ramadan there are 5 Taaq[Night of vigilance, worship, prayers] nights on 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th & 29st. Don’t they celebrate ‘Layal a tul Qadar / Shab e Qadar’ during Ramadan and usually and popularly people celebrate it on 27th of Ramadan. I want to ask that the greatness of Lailaa tul Qadar is due to the Nazool of Qur’aan [The Deliverance of Qur;aan]. Does Nazool e Qur’aan happen every year? The answer would be no. It happened once on Lailaa tul Qadar but it is blessed for every year and is better than thousand nights.
And if the night of Nazool e Qur’aan became blessed for the rest of life then the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], also became special day for every year. I have presented the reference in my books, I would present original book if it would be required as I am sitting in my library. I have copied Maulana Thanvi’s reference in my book Islaam ki Pehli Eid’s page 23, his small pamphlets are separate from his books as he has written a few books and his followers has presented different chapters of his books in form of small pamphlets. In one of those pamphlets “Jumaah K Fazaail o Ahkaam”, on its page 4 Maulana Thanvi writes with reference to Imaam Ahmad that the night of Jumaah is the preeminent than Laila tu Qadar, the night between Thursday and Friday. As in Islaamic calendar night comes first and day comes later on the contrary in English calendar day comes first and night later.
According to Islaamic belief Friday night is preeminent because the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came in the sacred womb [Shikam] of his mother during this night. Thanvi took this reference from Mishkaat Shareef [The Authentic book of Hadees]. If the night of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)’s coming as fetus in the womb is so Important and magnificent then how high would be the status of the day when the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came into the world. And here he is comparing and saying that Meelaad is like celebrating the birthday of Kanaihya. They are discarding the magnificence of the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], as they were the agents of the English who were in favors of the Hindus. No Muslim will like to use such words for his Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], we celebrate the Meelaad un Nabee in a way as no one else celebrates in the world and we don’t follow Hindus in Meelaad. We celebrate this day with Ieemaan and we have nothing to do with the [Mushrik] Hindus.