Deobandi Belief- Prophet Unaware-CD 2 Part 1 -Reference-16- 17-AKHIR IKTILAF KYUN-#OKARVI


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Akir Ikhtilaf Kyun-Why the Differences-#Okarvi
Earlier he has told that the Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] is big for he was bestowed greatness and we are small for deprived of greatness. All human beings are humble [Aajiz] and unauthorized. Moreover they have written it clearly that all the human beings whether big or small are equally unaware [Bay Khabbar] and foolish [Nadaan].

Means they are simply denying by saying that Nabee [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] and others are at one place equally humble and unauthorized and on the other place say that they are equally unaware and foolish.

Though the Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] himself said I know what you know not and that he knows about Allaah Ta'alaa better than other human beings and he also said I fear [God] Allaah Ta'alaa as no one other does. Other than that the Holy Qur’aan is the witness of his greatness his [Fazilat] and about his “ILM”[Knowledge] that Allaah Ta'alaa says in the Holy Qur’aan:

'Wa 'Allama Kum Ma Lam Takun Ta'lam'

Translation: …O Habeeb'….and We Taught You That Which You Did Not Know'.

Here they say equally unaware and foolish and even called him unauthorized too. The one who calls Nabee Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] unaware,[Bay Khabar] foolish[Nadaan] and unauthorized [Bay Ikhtiyaar] is he “HIMSELF” foolish, ignorant and even insolent and disrespectful.

This reference is present in this book.

Big creation means Nabee and small creation means all other human beings are meaner than [Chammar] cobblers before the majesty of the God.
Ma'az Allaah [God Forbid].

Book Taqwiyatul Ieemaan page 14.
Maulana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi:

On the page 14 of the same book Taqwiyatul Ieemaan written in clear words:

Whether small or big every creation is meaner[ than cobbler [Chammar] before the majesty of Allaah Ta'alaa. Ma'azallah, Summa Ma'azallah.[God Forbid…God Forbid…Allaah Ta'alaa forgive us, forgive us for even repeating these sentences ]

Ma'azallah, Summa Ma'azallah.[God Forbid, Allaah Ta'alaa forgive us,] They are using the word cobbler [Chammar] for all big and small without any distinction. Just imagine the extent of their disrespect for Ambiya,[The Prophets] Auliyaa and the Muslims in general. Though Allaah Ta'alaa has bestowed honor to the descendants of Hazrat Prophet Aadam [Alaiehis-Salaam].

They have just openly denied the Holy Qur’aan.

The word Chammar is used for cobbler by some and others use it to show contempt, disrespect for someone. And they say meaner than them, even though the we Muslims believe[The Aqeedah] that to Allaah Ta'alaa no one is majestic [Shaan Walay] like the Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] But see check and look at their belief, May Allaah Ta'alaa keep us save from this belief and believer like them.
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