In his weekly address, U.S. President Barack Obama contrasted his budget proposal with the one put forth by the Republicans this week.
"The budget I sent Congress earlier this year is built on the idea of opportunity for all. It will grow the middle class and shrink the deficits we've already cut in half since I took office," said Obama.
"It's an opportunity agenda with four goals. Number one is creating more good jobs that pay good wages. Number two is training more Americans with the skills to fill those jobs. Number three is guaranteeing every child access to a great education. And number four is making work pay - with wages you can live on, savings you can retire on, and health care that's there for you when you need it," he added.
The Republican budget, by contrast, will make it difficult for the middle class to get ahead, according to Obama.
"The Republican budget begins by handing out massive tax cuts to households