Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Should I make myself bankrupt? - Four months ago I was made redundant and I have been unemployed since, presently it seems impossible to get a job here. I am now having to look for jobs other than my main profession and for a lot less money, if I do this, I will struggle to pay my rent and bills but it's better than being unemployed.
I also have a civil procedure looming over me for a large sum of money, my chance of winning the case is 50%, if I lose the case I will be made bankrupt. Now, in the meantime, I have been paying off a vets bill (I am having to pay in installments as I lost my job within weeks of the vets work taking place) I am REALLY struggling with paying the vets bill now I am unemployed, in fact I have had to miss the last 2 payments as I simply did not have the money.
I have never been unemployed before or in any debt whatsoever, my credit rating is good, perfect even. But it has been advised to me that I may as well make myself bankrupt which will deal with the vets bill and might put me in a better position for the civil procedure, is this the case?
I know that bankruptcy can destroy your credit rating but I have NEVER used credit before, I don't even have a credit card (I am against any form of credit) I don't even want a mortgage, I am happy to rent for the rest of my life if I cannot ever afford to buy a house outright, or inherit one from my parents. So, if I am not concerned at all about my credit rating, would it be advisable to make myself bankrupt right now in my present circumstances? -