WEB NEWS - Google and Microsoft join forces to stop child pornography

FRANCE 24 English 2013-11-20

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Today on the net: Google and Microsoft join forces to combat child pornography; help for victims of the Illinois tornadoes in the US; and you can now take a trip around Venice from the comfort of your own home.

Google and Microsoft join hands to stop child porn
Google and Microsoft, with the backing of the British government, have joined forces to develop new software to prevent links to child sex abuse material from appearing in their respective search engines. Over 100,000 terms are now blocked and any searches featuring these keywords will display purged results along with a warning, the opportunity to report any illegal content and a link to charities pointing towards help.
In an interview with British newspaper « the Daily Mail » Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt explains how the system will work; he says the restrictions will initially only apply to English speaking countries but will soon be rolled out in more than 150 languages. Mr. Schmidt also revealed that they had developed technology that would “tag” illegal images and videos so that all duplicate copies could be quickly detected and removed from the Internet.
The measures have been met with criticism however from experts like Jim Gamble who says sexual predators rarely use traditional search engines to find this type of content. In a piece published on ITV.com, the former chief executive of the “Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre” says it would be wiser to find funding to hire experts tasked with tracking and identifying online pedophiles.
USA: online mobilization to help Illinois tornado victims
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