In one bizarre incident, a man who broke into a liquor store was caught on surveillance footage donning a ghost costume.
In the days leading up to Halloween, pretty much everyone gets into the festive spirit and that even includes criminals.
In one bizarre incident, a man, who broke into a liquor store was caught on surveillance footage donning a ghost costume. The incident occurred in Anniston, Alabama.
The male could be seen running up and down aisles and through back rooms. The surveillance also captured the white sheet-wearing man readjusting his costume, in an effort to keep his features concealed.
A police spokesperson elaborated on the costume malfunction stating “He didn't prepare himself very well...he thought about all the things..he wore gloves, he put something over his head, but he couldn't manage to keep it straight the whole time.”
Surprisingly, the man didn’t steal anything from the store. However law enforcement pointed out that there was another recent attempted burglary in South Gadsden.
It’s believed the same suspect was involved in that incident as he was also wearing ghost attire. Police are currently searching for the man. If he is caught, he will face third-degree burglary charges.