Henry Kravis and Carla Harris at the SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) Awards Dinner
April 6, 2010
New York City
Partial Transcript:
Manuel Predis (student): My father always tells me, “Everything in life cannot be attained so easily.” To teach me this lesson, he took me to his job. My father’s boss greeted me, “You must be the new blood, hope your English is good.” He thought I was just another dishwashing boy without any hopes for the future. Although I attend one of the lowest ranking schools in the city, I will not be a statistic. My goal from the beginning has been to be admitted into a college that could change my life. My name is Manuel Predis and I am an SEO scholar, and I am attending Bapson College.
Carla A. Harris, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley SEO ’82: You must be resilient, stay the course, and know that you are successful. If you have an agenda, then you can stay focused, motivated, and attain your goals no matter how many physical or human impediments appear in your way. Great leaders aren’t comfortable with risk. If you are to be an affective leader, you must know who you are and bring your authentic self to the table everyday. A good leader must be willing to act. Fear has no place in your success equation. Everything that you do in life is worth giving your all. That is what SEO is all about.
Henry Kravis, co-Chairman and & Co-CEO KKR: If you’re compelled hearing what everyone had to say tonight, please act.