Pure Leverage AutoResponder Review
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Pure Leverage Autoresponder Review
There is magic with a system that sends video emails and newsletters to your contacts on auto-pilot without touching the buttons. Create and Share with Pure Leverage
Our AR comes with pre-loaded messages and pro capture pages
to harness the power of the internet already set up for Pure Leverage
You receive the ability to grow your list to 10,000 subscribers with one system
no added fees and tracking ability built in
This system sends over 40 million emails daily and we own the IP’s and have
a great relationship with Google and Yahoo for excellent deliverability
You can setup 100 campaigns to run on this autoresponder service
You have the competitive edge when it comes to AR no one comes close
to our pricing because we include more tools for the low cost of only $24.95
[The Power of Follow Up with Pure Leverage]
The follow up is key in reaching your prospects and a vital step in building your
business. This is why you should use the capture pages already included so you can
continue to follow up on their interest.
Thus having dynamic high converting letters already pre-loaded in your system
is another great advantage of Pure Leverage
The options for connecting with your prospects includes video email which we know
in our technological world is a GREAT asset in getting in touch on a personal note
with your prospects. Seriously awesome follow up templates included with just a
push of a button to create beautiful captivating followups
Add or Record a Video Message
The tools included work together to achieve sales plus the webinars
held by the leaders have a positive impact on getting people to join
The recent stats of the Pre-Launch webinar on the Saturday Party with 900 people
listening to Joel Therien talk about the company and a whooping 80% upgraded.
These numbers speak for themselves. Outstanding … join us today for just $1
Success is just a mind shift away
If your struggling … Commit to do this
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Be Crazy and just do it . . . you deserve this … COMMIT
No fear
No worries
No problem … Relax we have done everything for you
We are waiting to help you be successful
You do not want to miss the chance of a lifetime
Be brave and courageous – be part of the solution
This entry was posted in Blog and tagged 100% commissions, autoresponder, GVO, joel therien, lead capture system, pure leverage, pureleverage100, video