Britain's Prince Harry tours Sandy recovery at Jersey Shore

Reuters 2013-05-14

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STORY: Britain's Prince Harry toured the rebuilding efforts underway at the Jersey Shore on Tuesday (March 14) amid crowds gathered for a glimpse of the young royal, and to say goodbye to a popular rollercoaster - a symbol of Superstorm Sandy's destruction.

Chilly sea breezes carried the scent of fresh-cut lumber, as the newly repaired boardwalk, still covered with sawdust, quickly filled up with people. There were about 100 spectators - and even more reporters, photographers and TV crews - awaiting the prince and his escort, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Prince Harry and Governor Christie shook hands with people on the boardwalk and even paused to play a few carnival games with children.

Sandy slammed into New Jersey on October 29, 2012, ravaging the coastline and killed more than 130 people throughout the U.S. Northeast.

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