Invitation of Khmer New Year 2013
By Admin
29th March 2013
At Vennesla Hall, on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 17.00 – 24.00 We, Cambodians/Khmer in Norway have a great honor to invite you and your family to join the Khmer New Year. We will enjoy dinner together with our traditional dances, break dance and finally we dance happily together
We hope you will join us because of your present is very important for the New Year.
NOTE: The Buddhist Ceremony for the New Year will practice in the morning between 9:00 to 12:00 o’clock. You will understand how to process the Ceremony if you want to join.
** Vennesla Hall’s address is Skoleveien 7, V/kulturkontoret 4700 VENNESLA.
Let us know how many people will join with you to the New Year and please send SMS or contact us:
Nop Tim, Tel: (+47)-45501909, e-mail:
[email protected] Nath Men, Tel: (+47) 90818257, e-mail:
[email protected] Find attached file (in Khmer & Norwegian) here:
admin | Uncategorized | 03 29th, 2013 | No Comments »
Cambodian Annual meeting Invitation in Norway
By admin
18.01. 2013
Khmer Buddhist Society &
Cambodian Association Norway
Kristiansand, January 18, 2013
We, the Khmer Buddhist Society (KBS) and the Cambodian Association Norway (CAN) would like to invite you to join the Annual Meeting in 2012 at Archives, Kristiansand City on Saturday 9th February 2013, at 1.00 PM. We will discuss and approve the activity and financial report in 2012. In addition, the CAN will talk about New Year Celebration in April 2013.
Best regards,
Chhany Chham, KBS Secretary Samnang Yim, CAN Secretary
admin | Uncategorized | 01 18th, 2013 | No Comments »
Condolence Ceremony of Former King Norodom Sihanouk
Posted by Nath Men
Oct 19, 2012
Kristiansand, 17.10. 2012
Invitation of Condolence Ceremony
We, the Khmer Buddhist Society (KBS) Norway has a great honor to invite all members to join the condolence ceremony of our former King Norodom Sihanouk (90 year-old), died on Monday, 15 Oktober 2012 in Beijing, China.
Location of Ceremony: At Lillesand Hall, on Sunday, 21 October 2012, at 09.00 to 13.00 o’clock.
Agenda: Reading segregation’s letter , Speech of KBS representative, and eventually the monks do practice and lead the ceremony.
We hope you all will take some food for the monks and after that we will have lunch together.
Chhany Chham,