The 2k7 Experience - Bank Update/Pure Progress/70 Att Pure?

chrisarchie 2013-04-25

Views 8

What do you guys think about a 70 attack pure?
Also if you're interested in the gear I talked about in this vid, check out:

"Runescape 2007" "runescape" "2007" "the 2k7 experience" "the pure experience" "pure" "1 def Pure" "maxed pure" "maxed" "pking" "pk" "zerker" "berserker" "loot" "bank" "hybrid" "money" "glitch" "eoc" "runescape 2k7" "runescape '07" "07scape" "chris archie" "chrisarchiers" "no1s perfect" "pk video" "pk commentary" "guide" "how to" "best" "new" "money making" "training" "jagex" "funny" "troll" "top 10" "pk"

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