Neverwinter - "Devils of Helms Hold" Trailer

G2PO 2013-04-24

Views 160

Deep within the stronghold of Helm’s Hold, devils and fiendish creatures call it home. How these creatures came about was a mystery for the longest time – until now.

Victims of the tragic Spellplague have openly been accepted into Helm’s Hold because it was a sanctuary and safe haven. They believed they would be treated for their illness and be among equal within Helm’s Hold. However, a horrific truth was discovered after strange creatures, called devils, began making their presence known throughout Helm’s Hold.

As you embark on your adventures through Neverwinter, be extremely wary of these foul creatures. They appear in various manifestations and sizes throughout Helm’s Hold. They are also often accompanied by imps and erinyes, attacking in groups to eliminate reckless adventurers with ease.

Format: PC
Out: 2013
Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment (PC)
Perfect World Europe
Developer: Cryptic Studios


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