Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan on Tuesday (April 9) dodged questions about her upcoming court-ordered stint in rehab in her first interview for five months. Lohan, 26, told late-night TV talk show host David Letterman in an appearance on his "Late Show" that she was due to enter three months of rehabilitation on May 2. But the "Mean Girls" actress, whose Hollywood career has been wrecked by repeated court cases and erratic behavior since 2007, brushed aside questions about the nature of her addiction or her several previous efforts to change her ways. The actress added that "I'm the happiest when I'm working and the healthiest, and I think this an opportunity for me to, you know, focus on what I love in life. And I don't think it's a bad thing. I think it's a blessing ... and not a curse," she added. Lohan was ordered in March to spend three months in a locked rehab facility, do 30 days of community labor, and undergo psychotherapy for 18 months