Inmate Hid Cell Phone Inside Prosthetic Leg for a Year

Geo Beats 2013-04-05

Views 56

An inmate smuggles a cell phone inside of a prosthetic leg.

Some prisoners are exceptionally sneaky. A Uniontown man, 28-year-old, Christopher Greer recently told a judge that he hid a cell phone and charger while residing at the Fayette County Prison. His secret hiding spot for the prohibited goods was in his prosthetic leg.

On February 23, 2012, two corrections officers searched his cell and found the electronics in a part of the fake leg. Greer pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.

He told the judge that he originally hid the phone along with the charger into his cargo pants and lucked out when a guard didn’t find the items. He said that he smuggled the phone due to the high cost for prison made calls and managed to conceal it in his prosthetic leg for over a year before being discovered.

The Warden dismissed his story, believing that someone brought the devices to Greer during a visit.
Last year, inmates in Russia got a cat to take drugs into prison.RIA Novosti notes - "They carried the animal in their bags and handed it over to drug dealers who were waiting outside the prison fence. They stuffed the feline's collar with heroin and released the animal, who sneaked back into the prison."

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