Pet Lemurs For Sale TX | (512) 639-4087

ExoticPetsTexas12 2013-03-22

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Pet Lemurs For Sale TX | (512) 639-4087

Clyde & Janice Castleberry, as owners of Safari Ltd. a division of Triple C Ranch, Inc., have a long history in the animal industry. They were raised on ranches in Central Texas and have been involved with animals from showing sheep and cattle, when in school, to importing and raising Simmental cattle from the late 1970’s through the early 1990’s, conducting Simmental Cattle Auctions all across Texas, as well as exporting Simmental Bulls to Mexico during the 1980’s & 90’s.

In the mid 1980’s they began to introduce Exotic Animals to their ranch beginning with the Llama and soon adding the Emu, Rhea, Ostrich, and Cassowary.

Janice is very particular about her "babies." She is one of the few exotic animal breeders that makes each of the babies "her own" before she sells them. (There have been several that have become permanent additions to her home because she couldn't bear to part with them.) Consequently, the pet you receive from Castleberry Safari will already be "warmed up" and ready to bond to you.

Give us a call today at (512) 639-4087

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