Crowdfunding can be an absolute game changer for social ventures. It was for Kinyei, who raised $18,000 to drivesocial entrepreneurship in Cambodia, and it was for Sock Monkeys Against Cancer, who got the $35,000 they needed to boost cancer research and the spirit of sharing. But the truth is, a crowdfunding campaign is only as successful as you make it, so save yourself the heartache of an unsuccessful campaign – don’t make these mistakes.
1. Forgetting the “why”
As social entrepreneurs we’re focused on doing, and so we should be. But when it comes to sharing our story with potential supporters, we can’t afford to just tell them how we’ll get things done. We need to tell them why. Why do you care? Why should I care? When I know why you’re dedicating your time and energy to this project, I’ll understand why I should reach for my credit card.
2. Talking to money instead of people
On a site like StartSomeGood, you have an opportunity to get face to face with