This is an interview with a delegation from the somali civil society ( from human rights org. , a journalist, university lecturer, womans assoc. and peace and life assoc.) the delegation visits Danmark to give cridiable information about the situation of their country to the somali community in Danmark, holding hall meetings in Copenhagen, Odense , Århus, Kolding, Viborg and Ålborg. part 2 -
waa barnaamij la xiriira waraysi wafdi ka yimid ururada bulshada somaliyeed oo booqasho ku yimid Danmark , si ay xogwaran dalkii ku saabsan usiiyaan somalida danmark - waxay ka kala socdeen ururada xuquuqul insaanka, ururada haweenka , suxufiyiin , macalimiin - waxaanan shirar xog warran ah lagu qabtay Kopenhagen, Odense , Arhus, Kolding, Viborg iyo Alborg - Part 2