Exit your comfort zone in 5 comfortable steps – is that even possible?
How many times have you heard about some sort of “easy step” based program?
Do they even work?
What if it wasn’t even a program, but rather a free cheat-sheet that you can have to follow every day?
Leo Babauta continues last week’s talk and tells us all how to trick your conditioning and get out of your comfort zone with a smile.
Watch the video for a French exit and read Leo’s great advice.
(This week: the verb SORTIR – to exit)
This is the second part of a post I share from one of my masters and one of the people I admire most, Leo Babauta.
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By Llyane
(Read the blog post at: http://j-ouellette.com/exit-your-comfort-zone/ and watch it on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNXYIfDxTEM)