Lab Rats Develop a 'Sixth Sense' Following Experiments

Geo Beats 2013-02-19

Views 491

Lab rats receive an implant to obtain a sixth sense.

Recently, researchers have given rats an implant which allows the animals to obtain, as they call it' a sixth sense.

The laboratory subjects were able to search and detect infrared lights, which is an exceptional accomplishment given that rats cannot normally see infrared lights. A team at Duke University placed infrared detectors, which were wired up to tiny electrodes into the part of their brains that processes tangible information.

A source involved with the experiment, Eric Thomson states “This is the first paper in which a neuroprosthetic device was used to augment function - literally enabling a normal animal to acquire a sixth sense." Researchers claim that the device could also help humans regain sight if placed in the appropriate part of the brain.

Last year, researchers used a computer chip ridden prosthetic system to help transmit light signals in the brains of mice. The minds behind the study hoped to move on to human trials, using the retinol device to restore sight to those who had lost their vision.

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