The ideology of caste
Hinduism traditional ideas and knows no heaven or hell, or an afterlife for which the individual soul would be sent after death. Instead, there is a belief in the cycle of reincarnation, ie, the belief that after death the soul transmigrate to another body, restarting the cycle of life. Reincarnation would be a consequence of the acts (karman) committed in previous lives. So, who was born in upper castes would have done good deeds in a previous existence, while those born at less than would be paying for his past misdeeds.
People of Indo-europe that ourselves in the Iranian plateau since the end of the third millennium BC and populated the peninsula of India around 1500 BC.
Each caste has its own dharma (moral duty) and stick to it meticulously and patiently reborn in a higher existence until all your karma is exhausted and the cycle of reincarnation ends. Thus, for example, the sudra (servant) has a duty to serve and obey the higher castes, performing with joy the most degrading jobs. It is his way of paying for misdeeds committed in previous lives, purifying up to the next incarnation. Thus, fulfilling his mission, he hopes to be reborn in a higher caste in the next life. This belief in reward and punishment in the next reincarnation became an ideology that consolidated the existing order of castes in India more than two thousand years. This ideology is so strong that even today India is a secular and modern, caste still determines people's behavior.