Millard Sprinkles-A Religious Vision for the 21st Century
Millard Sprinkles-A Religious Vision for the 21st Century
The twentieth century so far is leaving millions of people hungry and homeless and hopeless. Nightly television shows the pathetic pictures of bloated stomachs, bodies distorted by disease, and the agonies of death by starvation. These dark images of misery and degradation stand in stark contrast to equally deplorable images of the overfed, overweight, and overindulged devotees of consumer religion espoused by those in overdeveloped countries.
The extremes of economic disparities run around the globe. The poor have always had a special place in the thoughts and practice of major religions. Yet, as deprivations grow, traditional religions have limited themselves largely to making statements and providing temporary handouts. They have seldom tackled the systemic economic changes required in the world at the end of this century. In addition to the stark realities of a majority of the world population being ill-fed, ill-clothed, and ill-housed while a minority suffers from over consumption, the twentieth century is leaving other items on the agenda of the coming twenty-first century. These include the imminent threat of nuclear holocaust, the tragic consequence of two world wars and scores of smaller ones, the capitalist-communist global conflict, the population explosion, the raping and pollution of the life-giving resources of earth, the dominance of secular sciences and technology as the Industrial Revolution of the past two centuries comes to flower, and the growing global communications technology that is devoid of messages of wisdom and hope to communicate. The list could go on. This century will doubtless be assessed as one of great achievements and even greater crises.
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