Statement of Fourth Amendment Gets Man Illegally Arrested - WCAV-2013

US-2012 2013-01-30

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A young man who visited Pennsylvania's Richmond International Airport and presented an abridged version of the Fourth Amendment on his shirtless chest can sue the TSA for violating his First Amendment right to free speech, a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday.

After being detained and questioned at the airport for over an hour, Aaron Tobey put forth a civil rights lawsuit against a host of defendants seeking $250,000 in damages.

Tobey approached the Richmond airport terminal in December 2010 and opted out of the radiation-firing nude body scanner; instead, he chose the enhanced pat down where he stripped down to his shorts and staged a silent protest via his body.

What Mr. Tobey had written on his body is likely what incited consternation among the screeners. On his chest and gut, Mr. Tobey had inscribed in black marker the words, 'Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.'

It seems even demonstrating knowledge of one's rights really pi$$es off the US Gestapo forces.

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