January 2nd, 2006
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC news bit regarding Bushs' latest plan to send more troops to Iraq, and possibly canning General Casey. Also discusses the Saddam execution video and what it has led to now. Olbermann then gives his Special Comment.
A few quotes from Olbermanns' Special Comment in regards to Bush and "Sacrifice" :
"Mr. Bush, your judgment about Iraq — and now about “sacrifice” — is at variance with your people’s, to the point of delusion.
Your most respected generals see no value in a “surge” — they could not possibly see it in this madness of “sacrifice.”
The Iraq Study Group told you it would be a mistake.
Your citizens, the people for whom you work, have told you they do not want this, and moreover, they do not want you to do this.
Yet once again, sir, you have ignored all of us.
Mr. Bush, you do not own this country!
But to the rest of you in the Republican Party:
We need you to speak up, right now, in defense of your country’s most precious assets — the lives of its citizens who are in harm’s way.
If you do not, you are not serving this nation’s interests — nor your own indeed.
Because that’s what this is all about, is it not, Mr. Bush?
That is what this “sacrifice” has been for.
To continue this senseless, endless war.
You have dressed it up in the clothing, first of a hunt for "weapons of mass destruction", then of liberation ... then of regional imperative ... then of oil prices ... and now in these new terms of “sacrifice” — it’s like a damned game of Colorforms, isn’t it, sir?
This senseless, endless war.
*At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.And we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
Your policy in Iraq has already had its crushing impact on our safety here.
You have already fomented new terrorism and new terrorists.
You have already stoked paranoia.
You have already pitted Americans, one against the other.
We ... will have to live with it.
We ... will have to live with what — of the fabric of our nation — you have already “sacrificed.”
But it is all too easily understood now.
First we sent Americans to their deaths for your LIE, Mr. Bush.
Now we are sending them to their deaths for your EGO. " Read full transcript of Olbermanns' Special Comment here:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16442767/ Related BBC article: "Bush to reveal Iraq troop boost"
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6223923.stm?ls *To understand what Olbermann hints at on "the War Profiteers have made their money.."
See the video trailer and more on "Why We Fight"
http://www.sonyclassics.com/whywefight/ (also click on ENTER site to see more)