Survive the Zombie Apocalypse!
Will you be ready when they come?
And the first (angel) went away and poured out his bowl onto the earth. And it came to be a bad and evil sore onto the men, the ones having the mark of the beast, and the ones worshiping its image. Revelations 16:2
Zombie apocalypse is coming!
Will you and your family be ready?
Make sure with this important training.
Zombie apocalypse Survival Workout
Being ready for the zombie apocalypse has been used as a metaphor for being ready for any crisis no matter what it is. The same skills that you would need to survive a zombie apocalypse are the skills you need to survive anything from the next Hurricane Katrina or Sandy to a total breakdown of financial markets and of society. So I ask you again. Are you ready?
Will you and your family be ready if there is no food on the shelves for even a few days. Its happening around the world and it has even happened in the US during some recent emergencies. Find out how you can prepare to weather the storm?
Music is Zombie by the Cranberries
survive the zombie apocalypse survive the food crisis zombie apocalypse food crisis