A very short observations to very long standing issues-Mufti Muhammad Zarwali Khan (Damat Barakah)

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In his last time Prophet (Saw) was so weak that he took support of Hazrat Abbas & Ali (RA) to reach to Masjid (mosque)..Quoted in Sahih Bukhari.(This is great evidence that prophet (saw) was 100% Bashar (A normal human being without any divine influence in his body or soul).
Prophet (saw) regardless of his ailing health always tried to attend the congregation in Mosque and most of the time he did attended but in some extreme circumstances(Clearly enforcing the importance of the congregational prayer), he has ordered Sydena Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) to lead the prayer (An endorsement of his Caliphate)
Prophet (saw) in his even bad health always tried to lead the prayer and this mark the importance of Imamat (The leader in good deeds).
This is one of the greatest gift of God Almighty that he given somebody an opportunity to lead and specially who deserve and have the desire of.
Among the greatest of Imam; Imam Abu Hanifa has been cherish by the Ummah most and called as “Imam-e-Azam” (The greatest among the People after Prophet & companions time).
The time of Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) was very tough and by age,time,Ijtehad,Ibada,Wara,Taqwa and research and sacrifices and due to attending the gathering of the Prophet’s companion, Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) has a very unique place among scholars and this is the reason of his greatest following and further accreditation of his work until the very time.

For more details – Syedul Awlia Abdul Wahab Shahrani’s book “Almezaul Qubra” 2nd Volume from Page #202 onward.

Prophet (SAW) given separate housed to his all wives, so as to his daughters & according to Islamic principal in one’s life the distribution will be same among all children regardless of Son & daughters even in Gift and other petty issues.
Someone who will not follow this principal has to meet an ultimate punishment.

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