How to cite a journal article in APA

termpapergurus 2013-01-03

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Hello and welcome to the video reference series presented by In this lecture, we will discuss how to cite an article presented in a journal in APA style.
This is by far the most common type of citation you will be expected produce. The citation starts with the last name of the author first, and then followed by the initial of the first name and then the initial of the middle name. The year that the article was published in is enclosed in brackets.
The title of the article is included next.
The name of the journal title is then included and the volume number. Both these are italicized. The last part is the page number that pertains to your article. That is, you have to include the page number where your article start and where it ends. The example on the next slide will help you in understanding this better.
Here is an example of this citation. Notice how the page number is not a single number but a range. You can see how the journal title and volume number is italicized. If there is no volume number available, include the month or season with the year in parentheses. This is it for today. As always a copy of the citation is included in the description and you can copy off from it if its urgent. Take care! Bye!

Citation from the Video:
Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume, pages.

Craner, P. M. (1991). New tool for an ancient art: The computer and music. Computers and the Humanities, 25, 303-313.

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