The first 4 of 8 matches were recorded and I haven't played this game in a week. Sadly, it feels like we didn't warm up until after recording. CuriousDoom's Kyo & K can be a handful once he gets going, and his Yuri has potential. I would love to hype up a fight between him and ZenzoSoma, as their styles are much grounded. (I've actually already talked to ZenzoSoma about it, and it has piqued his interest) Sad part is, this game doesn't have spectator mode for me to record. Shouldn't this be a standard by now? Can we get a patch for it SNK?
Anyways, still the usual problems. Moves not coming out, combos not connecting and the worse thing of them all, a simultaneous super happened between both of us and it wasn't recorded
Still, CuriousDoom was a worthy opponent and it was a fun matchup. And seriously people, after hearing CuriousDoom's opinions, why aren't you playing this game on 360 as well? I bet you if this was UMvC or SF you would be creaming your pants to play on the 360!
Event: Fighting Stick
CuriousDoom: PS Controller