U.S. Civil War-era drama "Lincoln" led the Golden Globe nominations on Thursday (December 13) with seven nods overall, including best drama and best actor for Daniel Day-Lewis. Following "Lincoln," which just crossed the 100 million dollar (USD) mark at the domestic box office, were the Iran hostage drama "Argo" with five nominations, including a best director nod for Ben Affleck. The Golden Globe Awards, which will be given out by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association on January 13, are among the most widely-watched honors programs, often providing a strong indicator for future Oscar success in February.
Hugh Jackman, who received a Golden Globe nod for the musical "Les Miserables," received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday (December 13), honoring a career that has seen him turn from a television and stage star in his native Australia into an international film star. Jackman's films also include the "X-Men" franchise and "Someone Like You."
Police say singer Justin Bieber was the target of a bizarre murder plot that police foiled after arresting two fugitives who planned to kill the singer and his bodyguard. According to various media reports, the alleged murder plot, by a convicted killer, involved plans to castrate the teen pop star. New Mexico police said the men behind the plot were convicted murder Dana Martin, who's serving two life sentences at a New Mexico prison and fellow inmate Mark Staake. A third man had been called in to help with the plan. Investigators say that for some reason Martin, had a change of heart and contacted police about their plans. The other men were subsequently arrested.
The historic benefit concert,"12-12-12 The Concert for Sandy Relief" opened on Wednesday (December 12) in New York's Madison Square Garden bringing together an all-star line-up of stars. Rock legends The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi and Pink Floyd's Roger Waters all performed their hit songs in an effort to raise donations. The concert is to aid the victims of hurricane Sandy that swept through the east coast of the United States in October.