On Monday, 3rd December 2012 D.P.S. Indirapuram held ‘Bharat – Meri Shaan’, a show that served as a platform to showcase India as a cultural paradise. The Chief Guest, Mrs. Santosh Bansal, Pro-Vice Chairperson D.P.S. Indirapuram and Guest of Honour, Mrs. Surjeet Khanna graced the occasion with the Principal Mrs. Meeta Rai who welcomed them. The festive event was declared open with the cutting of the ribbon and the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the eminent guests. The event was a wonderful experience for the children – an amalgamation of knowledge and entertainment. The enthusiastic and eager visitors were welcomed with vibrant colours, music and dance, exhibiting the breathtaking cultural diversity of our Motherland. Children donned in colourful ethnic costumes gave an insight into our rich historical past. The aroma and the flavours of the exotic cuisines did tickle the taste buds of the honoured guests and parents who turned up in large numbers. Kudos to the little ones of Class III for this amazing and enthralling journey into the heartland of India!