Cornel West: Courage Is Contagious

FORA TV 2012-12-06

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Cornel West: Courage Is Contagious
The Graduate Center, CUNY - Prohansky Auditorium
Join Cornel West, Leith Mullings, Stanley Aronowitz, and Gary Younge as they discuss Manning Marable's new biography, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, and the many questions about Malcolm X's life and assassination that it raises. Manning Marable, who died days before his book was released, was professor of public affairs, political science, history and African-American studies and the founding director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies and the Center for the Study of Contemporary Black History at Columbia University. He is recognized as one of the most forceful and outspoken scholars of African-American history and race relations in the United States.

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