Social Return on Investment: Measuring the Value of Aid

FORA TV 2012-12-05

Views 23

Social Return on Investment: Measuring the Value of Aid
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - State Library of Queensland
The world is on the cusp of extraordinary economic, environmental and social change. The reaction to the global financial crisis and growing appreciation of the impact of climate change are two triggers of a profound transformation. At the same time, the internet provides us with limitless capacity for active engagement and access to information.Join former political leader Cheryl Kernot as she explores how new technologies and virtual interactivity are impacting, in positive and unexpected ways, on social and political participation.From the e-democracy models of the recent American election, to Australia’s all-encompassing 2020 Summit and Europeans search for social entrepreneurship, energised citizens around the globe are embracing new opportunities to shape their future.In conversation with ABC Radio National Broadcaster Mick O’Regan, Cheryl draws from her essay in 'Griffith REVIEW 24: Participation Society', sharing the lessons she has learning both in politics and working with social entrepreneurs in Britain, and imagines ways to apply these lessons to government, business and the not-for-profit sector.

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