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I will admit that I didn't have the greatest expectations for Close Quarters. But after putting in some time, I've found myself LOVING Conquest Domination. I'm not a huge fan however of Gun Master. I hated it at first, but after some thought - I really don't think it is that far away from being an awesome addition to BF.
Here is what I would like to see changed.
I'm Not a fan of being on a team. This leads to a LOT of time simply searching for enemies. If there were 24 players on the map then it probably wouldn't be so bad. I would like to see a game mode or rotation added that made teams more relevant. I saw one suggestion that proposed that the team unlocks weapons as a whole. Didn't think that was a shabby idea.
Another solution would be to make it FFA. Get rid of teams completely
Keep teams, but make it 24 players. The maps seem to be easily suited for more than the current 16 player limit.
On a side note - Limiting Close Quarters to 16 players also strictly limits server admins on which maps they can set in the rotation. I would love to play a Caspian Border map and also play Ziba Tower - but with 24 players / not 16...
I'd also like to see some randomization on the weapons used. Surprise us every once in awhile or better yet - add server settings to allow admins to chose the rotation & weapon order. Cha CHING!
Sometimes people join in later in the game and it is much more difficult to compete with a pistol against machine guns. I'd like to start with more powerful weapons and end with Snipers, pistols, & knife as an example. This would allow people at the bottom of the list to give players at the top of the list a little hell and still enjoy the game time even though they may be starting at the back of the pack.
In its current state it isn't my most beloved game mode, but I think with a little love &tweaking - it can rise a little on my list. What would you guys like to change (If Anything) about Gun Master?

Proposition 0420 - Battlefield 3 Gun Master Wishlist

1.a) Random Gun Selection & OR b) Reverse order so that players start with higher ranking weapons and work their way down & OR c) Server options to customize weapons used

2.a) Gun Master FFA OR b) Increase player count to 24 OR c) Make Teams useful - Team ranks up weapons together instead of LoneWolf

I believe Battlefield 3's Gun master mode could be a lot more fun if a couple of tweaks were made. In this video I discuss my proposal for what I would like to see happen to Gun Master in the future. Also I wanted to send out 40,000 Thank You messages to all my Subscribers!! Comment below and post what changes you would like to see and let me know what you think of my list. If you agree - LIKE & SHARE THIS VIDEO!!!

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