"Wreck-It Ralph," Disney's animated film about a video game character who destroys everything in his path, made history on Sunday (November 04) after grossing more than 49 million dollars (USD) in ticket sales to lead the weekend box office, the highest-grossing opening weekend in Disney animation history.
The tally for "Wreck-It-Ralph, which featured the voices of John C. Reilly and Jane Lynch, hammered the Denzel Washington film "Flight," which generated sales of 25 million at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to studio estimates.
"Flight" stars Washington as a heroic airline pilot who safely lands a crippled jetliner only to have his actions called into question after blood test reveal alcohol in his system.
The film has generated an early Oscar buzz.
The critically acclaimed Iran hostage thriller "Argo," last week's box office leader, was third, generating 10 million in sales. Directed by and starring Ben Affleck, "Argo" has totaled 76 million in its three weeks in theaters.