Sandy's mixed bag of snow, wind collapsed a crane, strands travelers

Reuters 2012-10-30

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With Sandy poised to make landfall in the U.S., some in Narragansett,, Rhode Island chose to greet Sandy personally.

The hurricane's fierce winds battered hundreds of miles along the east coast. Sandy even delivered a layer of snow as far south as the Tennessee Carolina border.

Concerns about the storm, believed to be one of the worst to ever hit the U.S. mainland, brought travel and life to a standstill. Hundreds of flights were canceled from Washington DC up to Philadelphia. Reagan National airport, just outside the capital was eerily quiet and this was Time Square at Rush hour. The storm also had some in Manhattan bracing after part of this crane collapsed. Residents of neighboring buildings were immediately evacuated just before then entire rig crashed.

Sandy has been dubbed a frankenstorm because it mixes a tropical storm with a cold front. As if that weren't bad enough, meteorologists now say they've detected a third storm system moving in from Canada --- making Sandy a rare hybrid superstorm.

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