Based on my considerable nutritional research, I believe marine phytoplankton provides nutritional elements and phytochemicals that can help prevent, treat and cure all of the following health conditions*:
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Type-2 diabetes
• Autoimmune disorders such as lupus
• Eczema and skin disorders
• Breast cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers
• Heart disease and atherosclerosis
• Dementia and Alzheimer's disease
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Parkinson's disease and other neuromuscular disorders
• Liver disease and hepatitis
• Depression, mood swings and behavioral disorders
• Eye disease
• Infertility and reproductive system disorders
• Infections and common colds
• Asthma and respiratory disorders
• Kidney and bladder disorders
• Osteoporosis and skeletal disorders
• Chronic pain and joint pain
* Please do not self-treat or self-diagnose. Always work with a qualified naturopathic physician to treat or cure a disease or health condition. Please also note that curing most degenerative diseases requires that you stop poisoning yourself with processed foods, pharmaceuticals, toxic personal care products and other chemicals. No superfood will save you from a highly-toxic lifestyle, or smoking cigarettes, or taking poisonous pharmaceuticals. Do not use marine phytoplankton allopathically, as a way to mask your symptoms. Use it as part of a lifestyle transformation program that gets you OFF the dangerous chemicals and ON to natural medicine and fresh, living foods.