7 Bizarre Phobias

Geo Beats 2012-09-25

Views 477

7 Bizarre Phobias - as part of the knowledge series by GeoBeats.

We are all fearful of some things but there are those who are afraid of things or aspects that you and I may find unusual. Here are 7 such bizarre phobias:

Number 7 - the fear of buttons. It is a scientific condition causing sufferers to panic while in the presence of these small, harmless clothing mechanisms.

Number 6 - is the fear of bathing. A potential reason for this phobia could be a childhood trauma such as instances in which parents used bathing as a form of punishment towards their kids.

Number 5 - Chorophobia, the abnormal fear of dancing. People suffering from this phobia would do anything to avoid dancing. In some cases, the fear is so strong that the victims become uneasy even at the sight of others dancing. The symptoms worsen when they are forced to dance.

Number 4 is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the top of the mouth. Although peanut butter is one of the most popular snacks and is consumed by approximately 90 percent of the US households, victims of this phobia avoid it at any cost.

Number 3 on the list is Domatophobia. Those dealing with Domatophobia are fearful of houses or being inside a house. In some extreme cases, the sufferers get anxious even at the slightest thought of home.

Number 2 is Heliophobia, the fear of the sun. People suffering from this fear could also be afraid of bright lights. Those afflicted may alter their routines to avoid the sun, cover up when going outside during the day, or even refrain from venturing outside at all.

Number 1 is the fear of laughter. Those dealing with this phobia are not only fearful of their own laughter but may also feel uneasy when people around them are laughing. Jokes or anything funny can trigger this fear.

Do you know of any other bizarre phobia? Do you have one?

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