Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
George McBride The DVD
by George McBride
FINALLY legendary Scottish magician George McBride has made a DVD. And its a scorcher.
George is notorious among his fellow magicians as a cardman of devastating calibre. (Indeed he is part of the underground Scottish Magic Mafia alongside luminaries such as Peter Duffie Jerry Sadowitz Roy Walton etc). And on this DVD youll get the chance to learn eleven of his very best routines.
But not only that - youll also get instruction in some of the most lethal moves in card magic.
This could not be any further away from the 21 Card Trick and your Uncle Barry and his badly remembered card tricks from the back of a breakfast cereal box.
This material is truly jaw dropping.
Ace De Triomphe - the four Aces are caused to vanish one at a time. They then re-appear in a variety of spectacular ways. This is Georges handling of Marlos Vanishing Aces from Mint and its a BELTER
Bar Room Blues - three freely selected cards change colour one after the other. Oh and then the entire deck does too
Cutting The Aces - a George-Clooney-smoooooooooooooth way to cut to all four aces.
Double Swap Sandwich - the black jacks are used to pincer out two selections from the deck. The selections are lost and the black jacks put to one side. The red jacks are then cut into the deck to find those pesky selections. The deck is spread and VOILA - two face down cards are between the red jacks. But wait - its the BLACK JACKS Quick - check those discarded cards from earlier. Yep - its the selections
Open Assembly - you have all seen the classic Four Ace Assembly. Well NOT like this No extra cards and a killer ending that will have magicians fighting with punters to retrieve their jaws from the floor.
Reversal Of Fortune - This is the only non card item on the menu and what a feast it is. Four Coins and only two cards are used. Basically the coins vanish one at a time and reappear under on