Young Vijay lives in an orphanage after being separated from his widowed mother, Laxmi. Years later Vijay has grown up and a wealthy man, Kailashnath Gupta, identifies him as his long-lost son and takes him home. Once there, Vijay decides to find employment as a police constable much to Kailashnath's displeasure. Amongst Vijay's first assignment is to locate a beautiful young woman, Kavita's, who he falls head-over-heels in love with, missing father. Vijay sets about to accomplish this task little knowing that a male named Satish has convinced Kailashnath that Vijay is not who he claims to be, and that Satish is Kailashnath's biological son.
The prayer as it occurs in Matthew 6:9–13 (ESV)
The prayer as it occurs in Luke 11:2–4